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Statutory Information

Contact Details

The name, postal address and telephone number of the school, and the name of a person to whom enquiries should be addressed is:

Mrs Louise Brown, Executive Headteacher, Denton Primary School, Vicarage Lane, Denton, Northampton. NN7 1DT. Telephone: 01604 890330

Admission Arrangements

Children become of statutory school age and therefore must start school no later than the beginning of the term following their fifth birthday. However, our school policy allows all children whose fifth birthday fall between 1st September and 31st August the opportunity to start school part-time for the first half-term of the Autumn Term.

Thereafter, pupils would be entitled to attend on a full-time basis, unless it was considered that further part-time attendance would be in the best interests of the child.

The planned admission limit into the 4+ year group is 15. Places are allocated by West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) in accordance with the criteria set out in their booklet 'Applying for a Primary Place in Northamptonshire'. 

All applications must be placed directly with West Northamptonshire Council. For further information on applying for a school place, both for Reception intake or moving within your child's time at school, please view the Admissions to Schools pages on the West Northamptonshire  Council website by following this weblink.


The school was inspected in July 2021 and we maintained an overall rating of good.  A copy of the latest inspection report is available to view here or by using the link in our sidebar.

Key Stage 2 Results & School Performance Tables

Our KS2 results and School performance data are held online at the Department of Education website, which can also be found by using the link in our sidebar.

The information below relates to data in the 2019 Performance Tables.

Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard



( Teacher Assessed)

Grammar, punctuation
and spelling



School Results






National Average






Percentage of pupils achieving a high standard of attainment



( Teacher Assessed)

Grammar, punctuation
and spelling



School Results






National Average






Average Scaled Scores



Grammar, punctuation and spelling


School Average

Scaled score




Expected scaled score




Average Progress





School results




Our classes are structured as follows:


  • Maple Class - Reception Year and Nursery

Key Stage 1

  • Willow Class- Years 1 and 2

Key Stage 2

  • Beech Class- Years 3 and 4
  • Rowan Class  - Year 5
  • Sycamore Class- Year 6

School Curriculum

A curriculum exists to change the pupil; to give the pupil new power’ (Christine Counsell).

At Denton we aim to empower children by developing emotional, academic and physical skills.

The aims of our programme of education are:

  • To provide a learning environment where children are happy, emotionally secure and enjoy coming to school.
    • To teach a broad and balanced, progressive curriculum through which each child has the opportunity to fully develop their individual talents.
    • To develop resilience, empathy, self-confidence and independence.
    • To promote aspirational values and have a wider understanding of the world beyond their local communities.
    • To teach the skills to prepare children for the next stage in their education and support lifelong learning.

These aims are at the core of all our teaching and underpin all aspects of our curriculum.

We ensure this by planning a wide breadth of study where core and non-core subjects carry equal weight. We teach our basic reading, writing and maths skills through a progressive daily curriculum that builds on prior knowledge. We ensure the teaching of reading underpins all children’s learning and they have the opportunity to apply their core skills across all subjects.

The majority of foundation subjects are taught, where possible, in themed topics. Topic drivers are determined through links across subjects and based around children’s interests and fascinations. Where aspects of the curriculum do not readily fit within a topic, we teach these through discrete lessons or focussed days.
In each of our foundation subjects, we ensure that there are strands or key concepts that are revisited to enable alteration in long term memory. Children have the opportunity to revisit learning and apply skills in a variety of contexts. Where the National Curriculum does not make explicit links within subjects, we have created strands in which key subject content is revisited. These strands are driven by the ‘Purpose of Study’ in the National Curriculum. In order to develop understanding, children connect new knowledge with existing knowledge to develop subject fluency.

We follow the Jolly Phonics scheme for phonics, along with the Big Cat reading programme.

As a small, rural village school, we recognise that children need to broaden their knowledge of life beyond their own context and environment and to realise that they are in the universe but not necessarily the centre of it. As such, we have embedded the Oxfam Global Curriculum into our teaching. This equips learners for critical and active engagement, in a fast changing world and helps children to develop a global perspective.

As part of the curriculum’s intent to empower children, we also focus on key learning skills and how these can prepare them for lifelong learning and their future roles in society. Our SMART values are embedded into our curriculum planning and are recognised and rewarded throughout the school. We actively encourage independence and we teach, support and reward resilience in all aspects of school life.

Children’s emotional literacy is developed by teaching a range of emotions and enabling children to have the vocabulary to articulate how they are feeling. They start each day with period of self-reflection on how they are feeling alongside weekly PSHE lessons to support their emotional development.

Our curriculum is ambitious for all groups of learners and allows for a breadth of opportunities so children can attain the cultural capital needed for lifelong success. Nobody’s success is capped. Adaptive teaching ensures we provide open ended activities at which children of all abilities can work and succeed.
The detail of how all aspects of our curriculum are delivered can be seen in our curriculum maps.

More information about our school curriculum can be found on the Class Pages.

Pupil Behaviour

Our Behaviour and Anti Bullying Policy will advise you on how we manage discipline and behaviour at our school. Please see the link in our sidebar for all of our Statutory Policies.

Pupil Premium

The progress of all children is closely monitored. The Pupil Premium is allocated on the basis of children who are looked after by the Local Authority, children of military parents, adopted from care or who are entitled to free school meals. Where our monitoring process indicates that these children would benefit from additional support then funding will be allocated to provide an appropriate intervention strategy. Alternatively funding will be allocated to provide additional learning support within the class setting.

Information regarding the amount of funding the school received, how it is being spent and the impact that it has made is in our Pupil Premium Strategy.

P.E. and Sport Premium Funding

Sport Premium Funding, also known as Olympic Legacy Funding for Physical Education and School is provided by the government. The DfE are spending over £450 million on improving physical education (P.E) and sport in Primary Schools. This substantial sum is going directly to schools who will decide what is best for their children's needs with the aim of improving the quality of provision in every state primary school in England. To see the impact of the sports funding at Denton Primary School please open the file in the sidebar of the page.

95% of our 2019/2020 Year 6 group could swim at least 25 metres, use a number of strokes and basic life saving skills. 

Evidencing the Impact of PE and Sports Funding

Special Educational Needs

Mrs Rosie Gibson is our SENDCo. Our Special Educational Needs Policy can be found below in the policies list to the right.

Charging Policy

The school's Charging Policy can be found by using the link in our sidebar for all of our Statutory Policies.

School Ethos and Values

Our school's ethos and values can be found on the homepage and at our School Aims and Intent page.

Financial Information

No school employees have a gross annual salary above £100,000.

Click here for the schools' financial benchmarking information.

If you require paper copies of any of the policies or letters on our website, please contact us and we will be happy to help.

Key Policies & Reports

Here are our important policies and reports.

Curriculum Information


Curriculum Information


R.E. Curriculum RoadMap

Size: 98.89 KB
Hits : 163
Date added: 2022-09-30

History Curriculum Roadmap

Size: 100.65 KB
Hits : 148
Date added: 2022-09-30

Science Curriculum Roadmap

Size: 99.34 KB
Hits : 168
Date added: 2022-09-30

Geography Curriculum Road Map

Size: 101.65 KB
Hits : 147
Date added: 2022-09-30

Global Curriculum Road Map

Size: 100.56 KB
Hits : 154
Date added: 2022-09-30

Computing Curriculum Roadmap

Size: 97.94 KB
Hits : 153
Date added: 2022-09-30

Music Curriculum Roadmap

Size: 112.17 KB
Hits : 198
Date added: 2022-09-30

DT Curriculum Roadmap

Size: 178.96 KB
Hits : 150
Date added: 2022-09-30

Physical Education Roadmap

Size: 99.45 KB
Hits : 148
Date added: 2022-09-30

Calculation - Addition Policy

Size: 956.41 KB
Hits : 130
Date added: 2023-05-09

Calculation - Multiplication Policy

Size: 1.17 MB
Hits : 199
Date added: 2023-05-09

Calculation - Division Policy

Size: 988.35 KB
Hits : 128
Date added: 2023-05-09

Calculation - Subtraction Policy

Size: 1.05 MB
Hits : 129
Date added: 2023-05-09