Head's Blog
Global Themed Weeks - Water
- Details
- Created: Wednesday, 13 October 2021 15:20
Global Themed Weeks
Over the course of the next 2 years, we are planning to run several Global themed weeks in which we will develop the children’s wider understanding of the world and ensure that the content of our Global Curriculum is delivered in a cohesive and meaningful way. The themes for each week will be taken from the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (https://sdgs.un.org/goals) which aim to aim to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for everyone by 2030. As a staff team, we have agreed that these provide an appropriate focus for our Global Weeks.
Water Week
The theme of our first Global Week, which will take place at the end of this term, will be clean water and sanitation. We have many exciting activities planned around the central question “Why is water important?”. These will include Science around the water cycle and waterproofing, Art on theme of Water and a speaker from the charity Water Aid.
A key aspect of our week will be teaching the children about how far children in poorer countries have to walk for water…an astonishing 6 kilometres! The charity World Vision are, this year, organising a ‘Walk 6K for Water Event’ which we will take part in. To launch the event, myself and a couple of members of staff from each school will run the 6 km between each school! On Monday morning I will hold an assembly at 9am Yardley to explain the week’s activities and their significance. I will then run to Denton hold the same assembly there and then run back to Yardley. The children from both schools will be able to track our progress as we run.
During the week, the children will all take part in walking 6 km. Our younger children will do this collectively, as a class, whilst the older children will walk the full amount. We will take lots of pictures to share with you!
Welcome back to school!
- Details
- Created: Thursday, 02 September 2021 11:58
I really hope that you have all had a lovely summer. We are very pleased to see all of the children and welcome our new Reception children into school.
As I wrote in July, we no longer need to organise our school into bubbles or continue with staggered starts. However, I would like to reassure you that we still have many COVID measures in place and will do everything we can to ensure the continued safety of all children and staff. We have revised our full Risk Assessment which is on our Statutory Information page. We also have a written Contingency Plan should we have 5 or more cases in a group of staff or children who may have mixed closely or if there is a new variant of concern. All staff have taken lateral flow tests prior to returning to school.
As we learn more about COVID, it is clear that good ventilation is an effective measure to reduce the risk of transmission. As we have done previously, we will be ensuring adequate ventilation at all times. The government have announced that they will be sending carbon dioxide monitors to all schools in the Autumn Term to allow us to check air quality. As soon as I know more details of this, I will let you know. In the meantime, especially as the weather is cooler at the moment, please send your child in with an extra layer.
Our plans are all drafted with regard to the following government guidance:
Please could I also remind you that attendance in school is now mandatory for all children and we will continue to monitor this closely. All holidays and excursions will be unauthorised and should be discouraged. Full details of our attendance policy and any sanctions are detailed in the attendance policy which is published on our website.
Here’s to a happy new school year!
Previous Posts...
- Reading for pleasure
- Summer term plans!
- Safer Internet Day and Children's Mental Health Week
- Exciting Experiences!
- Join us at our Open Evening
- September news
- Online Safety
- Summer term news
- Our trip to St Ives
- Summer term update
- Busy, busy, busy!
- World Poetry Day 2022
- Safer Internet Day & Children's Mental Health Week
- Global Theme Week- Education
- Global Themed Weeks - Water
- Welcome back to school!